Authentic Manhood

Woodlands_AuthenticManhood01As the man breaks free of his addiction, he establishes a new sense of masculine identity and a personal manhood vision. He will closely examine his development as a man, the wounds that often hold him back, and how those wounds can be healed. He discovers the importance of male mentors for encouragement, the role of a man in marriage, and the different seasons of a man’s life. This challenging, soul-searching journey seeks a clearer masculinity for the man.

Woodlands_AuthenticManhood02At the Woodlands, we focus on the man understanding his true identity and embark on the adventure of his life. In the Woodlands Program, he will better understand who he is , his unique design, and how he is “wired”. The Woodlands Program deals with rebuilding confidence, developing successful life strategies, and improving relationships. We unlock the truth of authentic manhood and empower the man’s everyday life. The path to manhood is a journey of discovery and experience, trial and adventure.